


发布时间: 2017-11-30      阅读: 0

in the list below you will find 10 titles and id numbers of some subprojects we are working on. we invite students from your university for msc and phd studies and offer them diploma or phd thesis in the following subjects:
•       development of biotechnological processes to limit the impact of heat stress in ruminants (#4)
•       precision feeding and diagnostic methods in the feeding of ruminants (#6)
•       development of cropping technology and plant protection systems, in order to reduce harmful effects of climatic change (#7)
•       examination of the climate change effect on rabbits as a model animal and livestock, technological innovations (#8)
•       development of season-specific fish feeding technologies adapted to the climate change (#9)
•       agrotechnological and plant monitoring systems; development of plant-soil-climate modells (#10)
•       improving vitality and production efficiency of meat type poultry through in ovo nutrition (#13)
•       development of genotype specific pig feeding systems #(#15)
•       development of season-specific fish feeding technologies adapted to the climate change (#9)
•       development of genotype specific pig feeding systems (#15)
dr. bokor árpád ph.d.
vice-dean responsible of research and innovation
faculty of agricultural and environmental sciences
kaposvári egyetem
agrár- és környezettudományi kar
állattudományi intézet
hippológia tanszék
7400 kaposvár, guba s. u. 40.
tanügyi épület: 201. szoba
tel.: 82/505-800 (2507)